Hey I’m interested in making the schematic to the Thunderbell Analog cowbell and clap, and I noticed the main chip in the circuit is a pic12f1822 and was wondering if that chip needs to be programmed for the circuit and if so, where do I find the appropriate codes for the circuit? I’ve looked all over the right websites, links, and schematics, but can’t find any code or any instructions on it. Can anyone help?
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I think they sell the kit with the chip programmed
It’s, uh, interesting they have this module built around a PIC and they call it an “analog cowbell”.
From the schematic it looks to me like the envelope generator is analog but the waveform is produced by the PIC.
Maybe they mean it’s analogous to a cowbell?
And yeah, if the firmware were freely available, it’d presumably be on the web page. There are lots of really analog, no-firmware-required cowbell designs around (I did one) though as they say, generally they’re either fixed frequency or two variable frequencies whose relationship has to be right to get a cowbell sound.
If I use an Arduino to output a sine wave and use an r2r dac, it’s technically analog output right?