I finally got around to designing a Kosmo size module for Daisy development. With the patch sub-module, there isn’t much for electronics needed in the design as the patch has all of the power and IO level stuff on board. Mostly just knobs, switches, and jacks. There are a lot of IO options, so I opted for stereo audio in and out with 4 CV inputs by default, with the option to change some jumpers to make the input audio jacks into input triggers and the output audio jacks into output CV.
Also, my first attempt at making some backlit FR4 lighting in my panels:
Now I want to build at least 5 units!! xD
But this kaseta stuff needs some more controls… maybe it would be good to plan for a possible future extension board or so?
Also found this cool chord module from the same source of the tape delay:
I had thought about adding some expansion capabilities to the module, but ultimately just added the jumpers so I could access all of the IO. I think the only two IO I don’t have access to on the patch SM are the trigger out pins. Ultimately, if more controls are desired, multiplexers or spi devices would need to be added. I figured if I got there, I would just want a new UI design. I could have added a spi plug, but I am using those pins.
Looks awesome! Is this a “standard” layout, or should we make a collab repo for DaisyKosmo-specific software? I think a lot of people here are going to end up with this module.
Is it precise enough for quantization? I really want to build a combined envelope and discrete voltage adder, something I can do I VCV but never got working in hardware.
It can use the standard Daisy patch sm layout. I will get something up that shows how everything is laid out. Still may be nice to have a repo to streamline it a bit more.
From what I’ve seen the Daisy Seed has two 12-bit DAC outputs, but I haven’t found any information on linearity.
As I understand it the platform is designed for audio generation and processing. Seems it’d be overkill for a control voltage quantizer. Edit: Or maybe both overkill and underkill. Depending on application you might need more than 12 bit DAC.
OK, I have managed to get Nimbus (MI Clouds) and the seed reverb working. I will work on getting the files shared and a recording made as soon as I get my most recent synth surgery completed. I also need to get the files updated with the patch sm footprint on the correct side of the board.