Creation of CV entry on VCLFO

Hi all modular fans!
I have a question about the very simple version of Sam’s VCLFO (which I just finished and which works wonderfully):
-I would like to know if it is possible to add a CV and SYNC entry.
As I start in electronics and modular I do not know if it is something simple or an assembly which involves big changes …
Enoha Roubaud

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i think it’s possible, just add the part of the complete schem to yours


Have you already done it?

The VCLFO10 chip is designed to let you control pretty much everything with voltages:

See the datasheet for pin numbers, voltage ranges, etc.


i did it but no tested yet

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ok thank you very much it shouldn’t be too complicated …
So I’m going to do a montage and I tell you if I get something good!