Hopefully a quick question. I am putting together a stripboard version of the Barton Wave Animator and I just noticed that it looks like in several places there are resistors that share a through-hole? Can resistors, or any two components, share a hole? There’s a couple of places in addition to what I’ve marked in the image where this occurs.
There is no issue electrically, the only question is will both pins fit mechanically in the hole.
For these single sided strip board you can always enlarge the hole to make the pins fit, just as long as you don’t completely cut the trace while enlarging the hole.
Is this something that people often do? I’ve never seen a stripboard that had this before. But yes…the resistors will both fit. Thank you Antoine!
its no problem at all unless as antoine say there is a mechanical issue… if you cantfit it, enlarge the hole or use an adhacent hole on the same track, or just cut and solder the leg on the topside…
stipboard is not a defined art ( well i bet there are some that make it awesome) its a make do and mend…
I’d say the main reason not to do this is that it makes the stripboard layout drawings hard or impossible to read, which isn’t very nice (that’s the same layout causing trouble just a few days ago).
(well, you could argue that whatever tool they used to draw that layout is a bit shit, since expecting people to see the R27/R16 split also at lower resolutions is asking a lot).
Sorry, I completely missed this thread that Dud posted previously. I have purchased all of my Barton PCB’s from Modular Addict in the past but wanted to try practicing with stripboard.I’ll keep working on it and if it doesnt work then I’ll see if I can learn why. I’ll only learn by trying. Thanks for the info!
If it helps, I built from this layout the other day and it doesn’t work. Could be me, but when I see 2 R22s in one layout, and a bunch of hole sharing, I seriously question it. Use a schematic to make your layout, and yeah, one hole for two components makes it tough.
I do this all the time. Even more than 2 will fit into one of the holes. Sometimes even 4. You have to make sure thought that those belong together because it makes refurbishing or repairing more difficult.