The SSI2130 offers unprecedented performance and features, but its ultra-compact QFN package can present prototyping challenges. The EVB2130 eases evaluation by providing a PCB that allows comprehensive exploration of capabilities. Two versions are available: the EVB2130-B blank board with only a SSI2130 attached, and the EVB2130-P which is fully populated and ready for the bench. With exception of the SSI2130, all components are through-hole for easy construction and experimentation.
Wow, I was not aware of this manufacturer! There are also other vendors with breakout boards or just the chip. The other chips they have seem also fantastic. I am tempted to order some of those and experiment!
I’ve been having a little browse of some chips and two have made me think of this thread again.
The As3394and the VCDO. They both seem feature packed and don’t seem to need much to get going.
These seem easily expanded on. May be we can design more modules as we go and get that ‘whole synth’ feel.
I don’t think it needs to be too complex, just something to get the oscillator moving /ball rolling.
It looks like it’ll play nice with some of Sam’s newer modules to be fair, Id still be after a bit crush on board. But can always add that in there somewhere XD
Maybe it would make sense to choose an existing voice (preferably one not already available in Kosmo format) as a baseline and vote/discuss how that could be updated and improved instead of debating each and every nuance from the ground up.
Maybe “what would you want in a 2221 v2?” or “What would you want in a voice that the 2221 doesn’t already provide?” could be good starting points for this conversation
The point for this thread was to get a module out that was made by the lmnc community, something that Sam hadn’t got out yet but we would like to have.
No nesicarily a voice, but something interesting.
Using other chips Sam hadn’t used, as a base.
Personally I wanted something bitcrushery =P
I wouldn’t call this a dead thread, but I haven’t been here lately. I got into making other things haha!
Just re read a third of what was posted at the beginning, and re agree with what was said XD
I think there should be several 20cm CAKE modules.
A sound maker, a sound distorter and a utility module.
Sound maker, an all in one simple enough voice.
Sound distorter, ring mod, bitcrushy thing.
Utility thing, lfo, noise, sample and hold, quantiser.
Breaking the talked about items into smaller groups will make this easier to define.
So far there’s been good talk about the vco and a good idea of what the community wants for it. It shouldn’t take too much more to arrange that into the first module space.
I’ve done two Kosmo “ring modulators” (well, three, kind of):
A version of Ken Stone’s Active Real Ring Modulator Richard Holmes / arrm · GitLab — which uses the classic four diode ring and two transistors, with op amp input and output stages
and kind of: Analog Output Wave Displacer Richard Holmes / displacer · GitLab — meant to be a wave shaper, but it can be set up to act like a ring modulator