Whenever I visit the RS site I’m put off by the eye-wateringly high prices. It’s still a decent site if you’re looking for reading matter such as datasheets and the like.
I have now almost all of the resistors on the control board replaced. Now I need to move around the knobs and the display, but that is hard! How do you get it do be good looking? Like, getting the distances correct? The knobs I would just put then as far away from each other as possible in the space, but how do you balance the display and the encoder?
When I made my VCA, I put the pots so close together that I can not fit any knobs on top of them now xD.
If you @popflier (or anyone else) could make me a simple drawing with measures (panel should be 10 by 20cm), I would be very grateful! Otherwise I’m just gonna go ahead and try anyways.
While working on the BRAIN board, I found a line that covers one of the tracks, it is one which could not correctly be converted from eagle. For the other parts this was basically keepout area, but for this I am not sure. It looks like it is a ground track separate from the ground plane which goes to the bluepill and then to the MCP3204. I understand that they have made a separate ground to improve noise (probably), but why put a ‘line’ on top of it? is it to make sure that no other track crosses it? Any ideas?
Link to my KiCAD version:
Yes, I am willing to work on this. The only thing I need to know, but could probably figure it out from the Soundforce page or even Sam’s panels, are the exact measurements. Then I can plug everything in accurately.
@sebastian…I am putting an order together today for Mouser. Did you change any of the parts from the original Soundforce BOM? If so can you tell me what they are so I can try and get it on my order?
That is great! The front panel is 20 by 10 cm, I have not idea what that is in inches ;-). I need to check the measurements for the 7segment leds again. Everyone uses different knobs, but this should be no problem.
I am not changing parts, but I change the resistors for larger ones, because I think those are more widely available / easier to handle, but I am not sure on that. The sound force uses 204 (?) and I will use 207(?) as in Sam’s projects. And I change the jack sockets with molex connectors, you should find those and the sockets in the BOM for the performance filter.
Here are the measurements for the display:
soooo… when someone here has these made on JLCPCB or whereever… please sell me a board lol.
and give me a BOM… lolol
For whatever reason I cannot get the KiCad files to open.
Maybe another version? I am using KiCad 5.1.4+dfsg1-1, release build on Ubuntu Linux. I will check the files again.
Turns out that the blue pill boards from 2020 only have 64k flash :-/ also I am having trouble getting them programmed at all using a stlink v2 and Linux. Anyone done this already?
^ the thing preventing me from building the DIY Elements that was given to me…
64-pin SMD STM32 IC and programming said IC… lol
Did you ever get a response privately about programming your blue pill? I’ve spent the better part of a week looking at resources in order to program my Yarns DIY module with an Stlink v2. I’m using a linux virtual machine. There are a few tricks that you need to do for the blue pill. If you haven’t figured this out let me know and I will look for the video I found that seems to work. Also, it depends on which number of board you have (F1, F3, F4, etc…)
Unfortunately not… I found out that for my particular version of the board I need a more recent version of the st-link Software, which is not yet in the Ubuntu repo. At this point I stopped.
I would be very happy if you can share how to do it!! For the braids I still need to wait till the blue pill with more flash arrives… :-/
Also I want to continue with the braids tht boards. I thought I had to adjust the space between the knobs and everything to make it fit the Kosmo format, but when I saw the braids frontpanel here in the forum, I thought, maybe the only change I need to do are the larger resistors and the larger jack sockets… I might even skip the resistors and just put them in at an angle.
So, on this again, but now decided on not changing much on the soundforce design. Too much other stuff that I want to do! xD
I was checking the bom
and kicad file again and there is a non polarized EL of 10uF in there (C24). I forgot to put that on my last order, so I was wondering why that is needed and if I can get away with a polarized one.
In the schematics it is drawn as a polarized…
What are your thoughts here?
Does AUDIO_OUT go negative?
It is the output of the MCP4822, so, should be between 0 and ~5V, I think.
It is the output of the MCP4822, so, should be between 0 and ~5V, I think.
The MCP4822 can produce either 2.048 V or 4.096 V (the latter via an internal 2× gain stage), but looks like it’s powered from the 3.3 V rail here so output is 0−2 V (the second stage is 5× so you get 10 Vpp out).
A polarized cap should work just fine here.
(I’ve found myself using NPs in the audio path lately even where they’re not strictly needed, but that’s probably just because I bought a batch from Tayda and I see them every time I go grab some electrolytics. Guess I like the colour or something )
Some progress!!
Had to learn how to programm the stm32. First I had boards that really had only 64kb flash, but then I got two 128kb from ebay (UK). Then I needed to install stm32Cube. There was the problem of the correct java version. I read this: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000BsRNNV/stm32cubeprogrammer-execute-fail-with-could-not-find-or-load-main-class-comstappmain which points to here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61783369/install-openjdkopenjfx-8-on-ubuntu-20/62198111#62198111 and to here, the Liberia java stuff https://bell-sw.com/pages/downloads/ Where I had to download the FULL JDK for linux
Now I got a running stm32 Cube!!
With this running, I used the modfied firmware from soundforce.nl (I use the one with inverted encoder) to upload it to the stm32. But it would not run!! I found the option to start the code after uploading and it ran! but only until a reset/poweroff of the board! The issue was that the firmware starts at address 0x0804000 and the stm32 boots from 0x0800000! When I used the option to start after upload, it knew the address and started it from there, but the could only be done with a computer! So this is how I learned about bootloaders! You need to have a bootloader ad the first address 0x0800000! Luckily I found https://github.com/hadesbox/eurorack-with-binaries/tree/master/build where someone has published hexfiles of all the mutable instruments code! There was the braids bootloader! I could just upload both of them independently, because they have their location in the flash inscribed, just make sure you don’t erase anything while uploading the second.
No output yet, but I can trace the signal from the DAC to the first stage of the opamp (oscilloscopes are great tools!!). Need to resolder the part after that and do some more testing…