Arduino 8-step sequencer

hello i am mario new here :slight_smile:
I have a question for you once
i have built the 8-step sequencer but only have a keybord e70 from roland can i use it for it?
I am sure of all those modules that I will be making will have a lot of fun but I don’t know what I need all the time
I’ll read it here or by email
thanks in advance
gr mario


The sequencer produces control voltages (CV) which can be used to control other voltage-controlled equipment such as oscillator modules. It would appear from a look at the manual that the Roland E70 has MIDI In (and Out) but not CV In (or Out). To use the sequencer to control the E70 you’d need a CV to MIDI converter of some kind. There are commercial options, some discussed here. Some googling will turn up DIY possibilities, one (in French) is here, a CV quantizer (good thing to have with an analog sequencer anyway) that has a MIDI output.


Briefly, no. To use a sequencer to produce music you need at least a VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator). The sequencer sends a tune in the form of a succession of voltages to the input of the VCO, and the VCO takes the voltages and produces the corresponding notes and so plays the tune.


thanks for the info analog output
and what do you propose to make music with those devices, sequencer and other things, it’s great what you can do with them
see you again
gr mario