2399 triple splashback delay

By now I have fixed my diy Safety Valve I had on my shelf of shame. Next up is the 2399 Delay that I have not been able to get working.

I am going over the schematic of the 2399 Delay again, and watching the videos of the module over and over. I see in the videos that the LEDs seem to light up differently from my module, so something is definately wrong.

On my module the Time 1 LED (overall time) is never on, Time 2 LED is always on with no flickering, and Time 3 LED is sometimes on. The CV LED randomly seems to turn on.

When should the different LEDs light up?

The schematic is a challenge for me to read, as the picture shows all parts cut up, making it a large ‘connect the dots’ puzzle to me. Therefore, I hope that the information on the LEDs helps me figure out the correct routing, so that I can trace my steps towards the issue.

Thanks in advance!

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This is one of those modules that I had sitting in my project-of-shame pile for… well, longer than I will care to admit (Christ, almost four years).

However… I finally put it all together and whilst I have no idea if it is doing what it is ‘supposed’ to, it seems to work - in that every knob does something. In the ‘low’ mode I get lots of cool lofi delays. In the ‘high’ setting it doesn’t really delay or echo, but just gives a lot of wild noise - which I gather is expected. :slight_smile: This might be my favourite KOSMO module so far.

The case is finally coming together…


Looks great. I noticed there back in stock too, might have to make that move on one.

You can get some interesting flange effects out of it using some LFO to the CV’s

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Some of my most clairvoyant mad science is unleashed after 11:30pm on a looooong day

I have no idea if it is doing what it is ‘supposed’ to

This was so exactly me when I built mine! You have to play around with it to grasp what is going on for sure. I’ve had mine for a while now and I think I’m starting to get a handle on it.

wahey! nice one yeah i saw on instagram you finished. looking good!!! thats the thing about projects, sometimes they get done quickly other times they sit about for ages. but they get done! at some point or another!!! glad its working!

indeed! got a multiplexing sequencer out this weekend too. gunna sort the product description for it today.

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Cool. Looking forward to that one

Another one added to the list of projects for me to complete. Been a poor year for me doing synth stuff.