2221 crosforbermordulator

I just finished building this module, and everything seems to work except the trigger to env 1 - when plugged in, both envelope LEDs llight for a second, but the trigger switch only activates env 2. Any suggestions for troubleshooting or where to look? I’ve swapped out IC 4 all ready to see if it was a bad chip, and I checked D1 and R53 like @lookmumnocomputer had suggested earlier in the thread - the LED does light…just not when the trigger switch is pressed

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Solved, at least it seems that way, I needed to solder all the pads on J14 - which solved the issue.


good! yeah for anyone else making it, the signals run through some of the jacks which are switched jacks, this is the trigger for envelope 1, J14 and also the modulation signal going into the voltage contr4olled modulator level stuff which is J16 so if you havent soldered the pads for the switched jacks, the connections wont be made to make the above work.


I absolutely never have made that sort of mistake mostly.


Hello everyone, finished this module the other day and unfortunately I’m having a few problems getting it to work. I’ve read through the other answers above and shall try some of them tomorrow. Basically all the left hand side of the module works. I get sound from the outputs except the main one. The noise pot doesn’t work, although I do get noise from the output socket. The trigger switch seems to work as I hear a click. But the mixer, env 1 and 2 and the filter do nothing. Ive checked all the components and solder points. Also replaced all the IC’s too. And checked all components. So any other clues would be most welcome.

ok so after much solder reflowing I seem to have got most of this working now. But still haven’t got the mixer working at all and the noise won’t adjust.

So did I miss it or is it delayed? Been refreshing the shop page daily but haven’t seen it in stock…

Dax says it should be back in stock Monday.


Hope it is!

Extra chars

here they are… #2221 CFM, #1222 VCO and #1114 Filter grrr are back in stock, get 'em while they are still hot…

ohhhh and while you are shopping don’t forget to pick up one of the new LMNC caps

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I’ve got a problem with triggering the envelop 1 and 2 via the jacksocket.
Both envelopes work with the triggerswitch.
I checked all the switchedjacks and changed the d1.Them seem to be alright.
Also i made a lot of measurement.
I don’t know what the issue could be.
How high must be the voltage, that must be sent into the triggerjack ?
My Beatstep generates between 4 and 7 volts.

Please help.
Thank you so much.

hey ! not sure same issue with decay and release switch modes? i use a beastep going into them when i use it on the portakosmo synth and it works. have you gone into the arturia midi control centre and checked the gate voltage setting there? maybe your outputs are set low. i seem to remember that being adjustabl. not looked in a while though

If i set both switches to RELEAS, the leds perma on it doesn’t even work with the triggervolatge.
The triggerswitch, doesn’t work in this case.It’ only working on DECAY.
Otherwise the modul works fine.
And yes i know, that u use the beatstep.
Watched a lot youtubevids.

I will chek this out about the beatstep, but it triggers the fartboxmodul perfectly, also my other selfmademoduls from Ray Wilsons design.

I’m not sure, but the envelope needs a V-Trig 1-12 V oder needs a S-Trig ?

Thank you.

id check the schematic and go over all of the components, sorry impossible to say but what you are saying about the release doing what you say is indicative of something electrically wrong. but only in the circuit before the gate to trigger part of the envelope generators.

Yes i think so, cause the triggerswitch does what it should do with the envelopes(when set the envelopeswitches to DECAY)
Will check this part of the circuit again.
Thank you

I think i got it :see_no_evil:
I’m an idiot…the only thing i’d never checked was the trigger switch, cause it works but…
I made a measurement, after replacing all components in this circuit :see_no_evil: :rofl: and all 3 pins about 11,7 volts unactuated and i think the lower triggervoltage from the jack does’nt activate the envelopes therefor
I picked up a on (on) or the switch is damaged(but probably not :rofl:)
Now i have offered the right one and i think after solved that it will work.
I’ll respond…

Thx and sry for wasting your time and my bad english.

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i swapped out the wrong triggerswitch and put in the right one…after that all envelopes work nicely with the triggerjacks.
Thx for support.