Now available
woot one more to add to the collection thank you Cristian for getting euro size to all of us with super limited space . on a side note have you considered shrinking the 10 oscillator drone ? if i would love to build a micro mega drone .
Not a bad idea. The main issue would be the cost of the Rogan knobs I’d have to use if I can’t fit the flying saucers. Also, it would be 48HP, but maybe that’s more of a feature? In any case, I wouldn’t rule it out, perhaps only as a DIY kit.
absolutely a diy kit hell if it was just a panel and board kit it would be awesome. thanks for all the work you do.
need the eurorack play kit so we can mount these in a kosmo case
And then you’d need an AE Modular play kit in Eurorack format so you can mount AE format LMNC modules.
And also one of these Control Big Knob Eurorack Module DIY | Music Thing Modular to precisely turn the tiny knobs