Today I implemented graphs for the three envelopes. This makes it much more easier to adjust the envelopes, because you have to define the envelope segments the same way as on a Yamaha DX7, using two numbers (rate and level) for each segment.
Fantastic project! Interested in if you’ve made any further progress? I’m extremely interested in pitching in for a couple boards
following with interest - have a few xfm2 boards &c. coming to me in the mail - also have a hydrasynth. ( FWIW)
It seems that this project is following along similar lines to this one - XVA1 Synth Controller (hardware) - YouTube. Is there an opportunity to collaborate?
Also, has anyone explored to see if the Hydrasynth inspired user interface used here could also be used as a controller for the FM synth - if it can, (and after the UI for the XVA1 is done), maybe there could be a dip switch/ keycombo that would switch across the IU when the Xfm2 synth is downloaded into the FPGA board.
Anyone else working on an interface like this? It would be ready cool to see a case and controls available where you can just pop in the base build.
Great work so far, I’m converting a CME UF-70 master keyboard with an XVA1 in the expansion port. I have plemty of space to the right of the CME controls and it feeds MIDI and power to the exapnsion port internally. So I would really like to use this controller in the conversion.
I checked out this code and it’s pretty solid and we’ll constructed but I cannot see anywhere that you can write a patch back to the XVA1, no routine to dump the current patch buffer back over the UART to the synth and pressing the SAVE button does nothing but register a press.
No, saving is not implemented yet. I hope I can implement it soon.
Sorry I did not respond to this thread sooner, but I’m recovering from a burn-out and working for employer costs me a lot of energy.
The next thing I want to do is make a new PCB design to incorporate the ESP32 board in stead of the XIOA and then work on improving the software, so functions like SAVE will work.
I hope you’re feeling better
No problems, I read on another blog about this that you were busy. I have built a version of this but extended it to 8 screens and 16 encoders. Just wrapping my head around your software as I’m not a coder of any sorts. I’m just implementing a SAVE function, it only saves the current patch, I’m working on reading the main encoder to change the patch number and store it there. Maybe a parameter page would be a better idea as I want to send sysex as well.
Thanks . Yes, I’m feeling a bit better now. And I received the diagnosis ASS (Autism), so finally I know why I always burn out so quickly. But having autism also has a lot of good sides, so I’m still very happy
take the best side of things
Wow, that’s a major diagnosis, I hope you stay well and look after yourself, your well-being is more important than anything else.
Wow, that’s very nice!
I noticed a small bug that if a patchname begins with an empty space it will not display.
These are nice button-LEDs! I like the vintage vibes. Which one are those?
They are PB86 B1 with the led and B0 without. From AliExpress for very small price.
Seller is bookmarked. Merci.