I’m looking at using precision resistors in a project and wondering if anyone has any experience with various “off-brand” manufacturers you see on Amazon and the like (Glarks, HiLetGo, etc) vs known brands like Bourns and Alpha. The project calls for 8 of the things and I don’t especially want to spend $200 on pots.
I’m a little perplexed by the concept of a precision pot — not really seeing the point of high precision in a device whose output depends on where you manually turn it to. I guess it means small tolerance on the end to end resistance? How small does it need to be? Could you just hand select from lower tolerance pots?
It’s less an issue of precision tolerance and more one of how precise you can be with it. I just realized I only mentioned potentiometers once, and didn’t specify “multi-turn” pots in particular. You only get ~300-something degrees of travel in your standard single-turn pot whereas with a multi-turn you get much finer control of “where you turn it to”. Each degree of rotation represents a smaller change in resistance value to the point that it does actually provide some degree of precision.
Depends on what you’re building, but Ive used cheap Chinese 10 turn pots in the past and they were pretty good. Havent bought any from Amazon sellers so cant really advise on their products.
The ones I bought were from a brand called “Bochen,” im sure and they had 0.3% linearity, well so they claimed anyway.