I see in the store LMNC that DUAL VCA AND QUAD VCA/MIXER, ARE both sold out . Are there new designs coming or are these two going to be reordered for sales. thanks
In my experience items are usually re-stocked pretty quickly.
I’d suggest checking back in a couple of days.
I had a similar moment - going to order the VCA Mixer only to have it poof - but it was only a few days before it came back in stock again. Just keep checking.
Although it does look like there’s some delay in re-stocking…
… checking today the dual VCA, quad VCA, ADSR and performance VCO are all out of stock!
@lookmumnocomputer - just in case the distributor haven’t let you know (and there’s two of these I want to order!).
very sorry everyone! the story goes! I pack them all myself, and I ended up taking on a project this past two weeks that ended up being incredibly time consuming to get done in time, it meant I was not able to pack things, thankfully its over today, one of the first thing I am doing is addressing this packing everything and getting to the warehouse! so expect soon as :D!!
thank you very much and hoping your other project is doing okay or rather well. I am interested in the quad or dual vca:s
hey @SYNTHGUY57 ! yes im rather excited to share the other one, hopefully it will be up coming out in its respective place soon im not sure of when it will be put out… it was truly a big problem to solve! I took it on as I thought I would get it sorted and built in a matter of days,…, but it ended up taking 4 weeks of long days… it was one of those projects that at points it looked like it wasn’t going to work with high anxiety about getting it done… all that kinda stuff!!! but yes onto the restock! I infact have them already, I had a day a couple of weeks ago I set aside to the packing, but Instead i had to dig myself out of the hole described above!!! so i’m packing a bunch of things to restock tomorrow including the quad VCA. and the dual I think I cant remember I need to check! likely they will get sent tomorrow too. and will be in stock Monday.
Thanks Sam - looking forward to seeing the results of the project!
thanks to that and too when you get a chance the mega duck panel wiring , possibly thanks too so far I love all the patreon stuff and projects.