Which modules to build first?

I have a small store of various parts, but most important (for me) is the small stash of unobtainium ICs that may or may not be need in future projects.

However our friend, Sendarium has another problem. Due to sanctions, he cannot get good quality stuff from the West, but still my advice, check electronics magazines near by.

(I once got 10 SID ICs from AliX - all worked!!! :upside_down_face: Also got a number of SN79477 and a bunch of TIL311 - all worked. However I have some cheap 2SK1058 that definitely aren’s any 2SK1058.
Buying from Chian is a gamble.

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Definitely, I did buy 10 more DIP LM13700s a year or so ago before their prices doubled in the few places that still have them at all. Still have most of them, I think they’ll last me a while.

Agreed. See also - the follow-up post to the one I linked above: Common parts to keep in stock - North Coast Synthesis Ltd. :smiley:

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Just an idea, check outElby-Design. Here are a various modules to make some kind of drone machine.