VCVrack on Raspberry Pi

Here is how to install a full build of VCVrack onto a Raspberry Pi.
Go to Releases · hexdump0815/vcvrack-dockerbuild-v1 · GitHub and download the latest armv7 build(tar.gz).
Extrackt the archive (pun intended) into a folder of your choice.
cd into that folder in the terminal for example
cd /home/pi/Documents/vcvrack.armv7l-v1
and then use ./Rack -d to run it.
Play around with the audio settings particularly the block size and sample rate to get rid of pops and clicks. Also if you change Engine → Threads to 4 performance is much increased.
It helps to not have any other programs open at the same time. Let me know if it works/doesn’t - I played around with many settings and I think I left them all at default but who knows?

Old instructions - miRack

Ok, here’s how to install VCVrack on a Pi(3+ or 4 seems to be recommended). I used miRack, a lightweightish port of VCVrack to ARM and iOS devices. Start with a fresh Raspbian image.
Open the terminal and paste in:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys CEF86DEA

and hit enter.
Then paste:

echo deb stretch main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mifki-mirack-repo.list

Now run the usual

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

and then install mirack

sudo apt install mirack libgles-dev

Next you need to enable the experimental graphics driver

sudo raspi-config

then Advanced Options → GL Driver → GL(fake KMS).
Reboot for good measure then /opt/miRack/Rack to run the software.

For more info on installing, see Release Debian Packages · miRackModular/Rack (

Have fun!

EDIT: If you have already installed this, then it’s ok, use it. If not, I’ve found the repository for ‘official’ VCVrack that I used on my corrupted SD card. Updated instructions incoming!


Good work here. Thanks for the guide.

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How well does it run on a Pi 4? How many modules could one expect to reasonably run?
Might be interested in making up a panel or 2 with 7" screens as kosmo modules… I suppose there would also need to be a small amplifier circuit to boost the audio signals from the PIs up to synth levels…

Ohhh heck yeah! Hmmm im tempted to tank my mobile data for this =P
May as well, ive got my BSP with me =D

I’ve not pushed it to its limits but on a Pi 4, probably around 40 ish. My SD card decided to corrupt itself last week so this way seems a lot hackier than before but it works just the same.

Oh, and miRack seems to run on iOS as well, I might try it in the iPad too.
Edit: no, I’m not paying 9.99 for free software!

Just sold a spare 3 :frowning:
Should I convert my 3 that’s supposed to be for OCTOPI to VCV… Hmmm.

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You seem to suggest that miRack is the same as VCVRack. As far as I know, it is not.

While I was making a plugin for VCVRack I got a message about the relisencing of VCVRack the reason of which was explained here: Postmortem on Rack's GPL relicensing - Announcements - VCV Community.

Apparently VCVRack changed its licensing because of miRack which seemed to be a
commercial version of VCVRack and there was a licensing dispute.

Since then VCVRack has changed its architecture quite a bit. So as far as I know version 1.x modules would not run on miRack.

Or are you referring to something else which coincidentally has the same name?

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I don’t have the original post but somebody from Facebook posted this a few months ago, super awesome! I think he/she said it was a cheapy display from AliExpress.


So, how is VCV and Pi interacting with your modulars or sound gear, or is it not?

I’ve had a poke around for audio boards or something that would give CV’s in/out and audio paths and still leave some basic IO for controls (rotary encoder, push buttons, and a small LCD or TFT), that I could build some small synth utilities with a Pi. There’s some opensource synth software (forgot the project, but I think O_C use it as do a few other super expensive small devices).

(Reposted this from other thread)

Looks good. Glad that MiRack is properly Free software now, they were being shady with the licensing for a while, leading to a dispute with the developer…

No, I don’t use it with the modular - I use it for experimenting with complicated modules so I can find how they work (mostly before buying/building eg Braids). I also use it extensively as a ‘hardware synth’ in my DAW so midi from laptop to pi and audio from pi to laptop. I can’t figure out how to do this with mirack as atm I’m using it as a temporary measure until I can get back my full build of VCVrack on the pi (sd corrupted :frowning_face: ). I know mirack doesnt work with some 3rd party modules for VCV, but the few that I do need play along nicely.

Okay… I’m keen on Pi etc for sound processing, and using as sources or filters. I just don’t get on with desktop music software :man_shrugging:t3:

I like to knob twiddle and do stuff. Plus I like the organic noise you get from ropey potentiometers

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With full VCVrack it is not so good, 15ish modules seems to be the limit for me at least. But @BratAttack there’s a limit to how many modules you can fit on 7 inch screens right :smiley: .
ETA: New instructions now live!

With a relatively small processor you might have more fun using Pure Data, or even Max on Wine.

A hidden advantage here is that you can run Linux applications (including Wine) on a headless Pi and tap in using a laptop over X11. Connect some knobs and buttons to the Pi’s GPIO pins for extra tweaking fun.


Beat me to it! Haha.
(Re: twiddly knobs =D)

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Okay, so Norns and Teletype by Monome are both opensource, and can run on Pi. They also use Supercolider for sound processing… I would be surprised if many VCVrack modules didn’t use Supercolider.

They’re more interesting to me, as components in a rack vs emulating a rack


I made a small patch with 18 modules including audio out and recorder. It was a bit laggy when I added the last couple of modules, and recording was very laggy, but the final file turned out flawless. It didn’t help that I had firefox open at the same time though.

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Yeah, by the time i got to 7" screen my thinking had already shifted to individual VCV guest modules in the rack. I hope they come out with that multi-soundcard support so we can just jam a bunch of cheap USB soundcards into a mini hub and spam the bottom of panels with jacks under a screen.

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Sweet it runs!
To make life easier for myself I created a script on my Desktop to run VCV Rack at a double click.

To do this, Navigate to the directory you want the script. For me ‘Desktop’ was the best place.

cd /home/pi/Desktop

Now, create a Nano text file with .sh as the extension.

sudo nano

In this created file, enter the following:


cd /home/pi/VCV/vcvrack
./Rack -d

NOTE: The file path for you may vary depending on where/how you extracted it.
The goal here is to locate and run ‘Rack’

Exit and save by pressing Ctrl+X.

Now we can turn ‘’ into an executable.

sudo chmod -x

Run your lazy script either by:-
Changing directory through terminal.

cd /home/pi/VCV/vcvrack

And using ONE of these:

** OR **

Just double click your newly created script from the Desktop =D BAM!

Who needs to waste time typing things anyways… right?
Hope this helps you save time and get to Bleeping them Bloops faster =)

If it didnt work… have a look through this guide and give it another ‘Bash’ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: