Synthcube 9mm pot group buy

Same. I still have about 90 from my digikey order

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Plus one from your Washington brother :rofl:

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Thanks for that. K25 Glide came online today, works a treat :slight_smile:

10 ordered. Slow shipping option. I’ve been averaging about 3 tayda orders a week, so all that DHL adds up.

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That’s the same supplier that I used for my pots. It’s basically the ONLY one out there. I certainly don’t get them cheap enough to sell them for $.59/each though so they’re likely buying in the thousands to get that low a price point.

I still haven’t figured out where Modular Addict bought theirs from. It wasn’t from this supplier though.


They have 10k, 50k, and 100k, with stock suspiciously close to but under 5000 of each.

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The TT Electronics 9mm pots are about that price when you order around that number from Digikey

Let me know what you think since this is the same supplier I used for my pots. I’ve had several people tell me they prefer them over the ones Modular Addict uses. I’ve used them for all of my projects and so have many of the board members.

The first order I did I had them manufacture with the anti-rotation tabs. The second order I had them manufactured without. They cannot do all values, but they usually can make all the more commonly used values.

That being said…I still have like 200 of both B100k and B10k to get rid of… hint hint :wink:


So far first impressions:
They’re cheap
They’re available
They’re sold somewhere a lot of us already buy a lot of parts from anyways.

They’re covered in a very thin coat of some kind of sticky stuff like they fell in someone’s dinner (anti-corrosion grease?) Hands feel very dirty after handling a half a dozen or so of them.

It is difficult to fit the same knobs that easily fit on the Alpha 9mm pots. I have to ream out the knobs a bit with a file (since they’re brass and therefor easier to fix than the pot shafts) (the alpha pots i’ve been using are 6mm (measure 5.9mm), the tayda pot shafts are 6.32mm, the knobs i use are Tayda A-1125)

[sample size 1]100k pot reads 91.1k which is ok i guess (alpha 100k reads 93.3 [sample size 1])

Alpha 9mms are available in 6 mm and 6.35 mm shaft diameter, AFAIK, though the 6.35 mm ones are much more common.

FYI, Alpha 100k pots are back in stock at tayda!

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1228 of them at this writing. They will NOT last long.

There’s about 6100 1/4" jacks, but that number is dropping really fast.

WHOA… there was 3284 when i looked this morning.

EDIT: Slightly unrelated…At least I got another 50 TL074s just in case…

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Also 2186 of the 10k.

(Linear ones)

They’re now showing -333 of the 100k pots. I didn’t buy any because I spent the day working down my half-finished projects drawer. I’ll have to make do with the 70 or so I have around.