Supersimple Powersoak

I use this with my Fender Tubeamp in parallel with the 16 Ohm speaker, It’s a 500W bulb that has 4,5 Ohm when cold. If i play loud it even starts glowing a little bit :grin:. the PTC of the lamp adds some sort of compander behaviour. Guitar nerds will propably object, but it works for me :stuck_out_tongue:


I have seen lights used in speaker cross overs inside speakers .

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Let’s not forget:


:smiley: I haven’t seen this video before, and I’m also not saying it was my very own idea.

I had an old analog desk (AEB) for repair once. It had small light bulbs in parallel to the output transformers acting as overload indicators. It is said that this console sounds amazing, especially for percussive signals. I’m pretty sure that these lamps do most of the magic.

Haven’t tried to put the bulb in series to the speaker of the amp. It will propably do too much compression, maybe i build in a parallel/serial switch and test.


Yes, there are some “lamps” inside my JBL control ones, to protect the the speakers.

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Simple light bulbs have a very important place in the history of oscillators, btw :smiley:

(For anyone going “wait, what does test equipment have to do with synths?” I give you Sambach.)


this is great , learned something today and got reminded of an entertaining video :man_student:.

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I miss that LMNC theme music.