Hello. My first post, and I hope it’s okay to add on to this thread. This is the first place on the whole internet I’ve found that’s discussing beginner soldering issues without being condescending or basically saying “you’re doing it wrong, do it right”. So, good on you, LMNC folks!
I’m also struggling to get solder to stick to pads on a pcb.
It seems to be the non-wetting issue, as per the descriptions above.
What I’m using:
-Tenma digital soldering station model: 21-10115
-Sn60/Pb40 solder (RA flux, 22 gauge, .032" diameter)
-Rosin soldering flux p/n: RSF-R80-8G
-99% Isopropyl alcohol
What I’m attempting:
Adding a header pin to a through hole on a pcb.
What I’ve tried, and what’s making me scratch my head:
-I find that my solder won’t budge until I’m on at least 232C (450F). Maybe that’s down to the calibration of the soldering station, but I’d be surprised if it was off by nearly 100 degrees.
I looked up the melting point of Sn60/Pb40 and found it’s around 361-374F (183-190C). I also read that about 70C above melting point is okay. So my first point of confusion is why those who are more experienced say that they need to go above 275C with 60/40, and even try in the 300-350C range.
-Next is pads “lifting”. Is that something that’s pretty obvious, either visually or by feel? Or is it something you’re only likely to discover after testing the connection with a multimeter? On my experimental board, I’ve left the soldering iron directly in a through hole at 600F for well over 30 seconds just to see what will happen if I go overboard, and I haven’t noticed anything obvious. I also watch a lot of repair videos, and even when someone says they’ve accidentally caused the pad to lift, I don’t see what they’re referring to, so I’ve always guessed they mean they’ve broken the trace inside the pcb.
-I’ve brushed the pad off several times with 99% IPA, waited for it to fully evaporate, then added a drop of flux to the area, then tried to get solder to stick to it. I’ve tried temp ranges from 360F to 600F in 50-degree increments, and, as mentioned, my solder doesn’t want to melt until I’m past 450F. However, this is only when tinning the iron’s tip, never when touching the tip to the board or a component. No matter what combination of temps, angles, timings I try, the solder sticks only to the soldering iron, never anything on the board. From what I’ve read, that means the iron is too hot, but I don’t know how else to get the solder to melt. I’ve held the solder tip to the through hole both with and without the header pin, with and without flux (cleaning with IPA in between attempts). My understanding is that the touch-melt-release is meant to all happen quite quickly, but I can hold the tip of the iron against the header pin at, say, 500F, touching the solder to where the pin meets the through hole, for a full minute, and the solder simply won’t melt. There are 4 holes on the board I’m attempting to add header pins to, and this is the case on all 4 holes.
-I tin the soldering iron tip before and after each attempt, and there’s a thin layer about a 1/4" up the tip of shiny solder always there, so I’m hoping this is good practise and the tip isn’t oxidised. My understanding is that the area that’s meant to receive the solder should “suck” the solder up once it’s melted, but I’ve never actually experienced this with any pcb contacts or components. The only time I’ve seen this happen is when tinning stranded wire. There’s a moment after touching the solder to the wires, then the next moment the strands seem to suck up the solder, and then harden instantly when removing the iron. Is this how it’s supposed to happen on a pcb?
-If the pad needs to be cleaned beyond being brushed down with IPA, and it’s possible for pads to “lift” off physically, then how do you clean the pad without scraping it off the board?
-Can solder and/or flux go bad? The solder and flux I’m currently using were bought new a few years ago and have sat in storage, including outdoor storage over winter(s).
-How do you know if your soldering iron tip is “bad” or needs to be replaced if you’ve never had success with one, even when it’s new? Is there any definitive way to test if the tip is bad, or is it just by feel / experience?
I started trying to solder in my teens with kits from Radio Shack and really basic soldering equipment, never with much success. Now I’m in my 40s and I’d really like to get good at soldering, and I thought if I had more appropriate equipment it would help soften the learning curve. But every time I sit down to solder something I feel like I’m back at square one, and am mystified by the behaviour of the solder / components, no matter how much I read and how many youtube tutorials I watch. Basically, I’d like to at least figure out what part of the process I’m getting wrong, if it’s the type of solder, type of flux, iron temperature, technique, etc.
Thanks a mil to whomever reads this!