Pure data CV out help

I’m running pure data on my raspberry pi and would like to send CV out to the modular as in this video Sending CVs from Pure Data & Max/MSP (DIY Eurorack Tutorial) - YouTube

Though I’m struggling to understand the details on how I would wire up the DAC and arduino.

The video is a little vague on how he connects it all up.

Has anyone had success with sending CV out from Pure Data.

hey, so if we google the DAC he used “MCP4728” and the word “arduino” we come across this adafruit tutorial about how to wire up the things, and there’s a wiring diagram at the top of the page that you can click on and enlarge. Arduino | Adafruit MCP4728 I2C Quad DAC | Adafruit Learning System

that’s pretty much a good way of finding out how to combine an arduino with just about anything, good luck!


Thanks. I’ve just seen that too.

I’ll have to do some head scratching regarding the code. Thank you.