Prototyping a Midi to CV module with more functionality than existing offerings

Well, not really, because what you describe is a lot more functionality than I would use, at a cost of greater complexity, a somewhat convoluted user interface, and probably larger width than my MCVI, which admittedly is too simplistic even for my needs beyond the immediate short term, but it’s closer to what I want. (It’s also based on an Elkayem design.) Trying to design one module that’s everything to everyone is destined to fail. Design one that fills your needs.

You’ve got a pretty massive set of design goals there. If you can do it, great, but you might want to start smaller — often something that gets you about 85% of what you want is about 25% as difficult. Then you can take lessons learned from that and get to work on your ideal module.

Added: Ask yourself “how often would I want to do xxx”? If the answer is “frequently”, make it something you can do with your OLED/encoder. But if it’s some configuration you’d probably set just once, or once every few months, consider whether it wouldn’t be better to make it a software compilation option, to keep the menu system as simple and easy to use (and to program) as possible.

Also, to your list of “existing offerings” with available schematics you can add:

  • Erica Synths DIY MIDICV (though the firmware is closed source)
  • Befaco MIDI Thing