Prophet 600 clone on proto board

Here’s a little project which came together quite nicely over a few months, actual build time was about 4 weeks but spent time collecting parts etc.

It’s a copy of the Sequential Prophet 600 with the Gligli modification v2.34 and the panorama stereo output and a white noise source, I wanted pink and white but I need to modify the code for that and although I can make the edits I can’t work out how to build an image.

The case is from a CME UF60 and the chips are AS versions from Syntaxis in Poland.


Hi Graig , amazing job. Is it possible to message you private?I have Prophet 6 case and I would like to refurbish with your board. Thank you

You are welcome to buy this is a one off hand made board(s). Not something available to buy.

Thank You Graig for your reply. I wonder if you can produce one I’m from Italy

Probably not something I have time for as I am busy with other projects and the war here in Ukraine

Ah ok I understand , Thank you very much and very good job . I wish you all the best
Thank you