Play midi files from memory stick output as CV?

Is there such a thing as a module that plays saved midi files and outputs CVs to my modular synth.
I would like to record some music on the computer DAW and save it on a memory stick or SD card and play it on using control voltages on my synth.
I would prefer to build it …cheers guys

I’m pretty sure you could power an Attiny or similar from the 5 pin DIN input on a midi to CV unit. Use the chip to ‘play’ midi notes, Cc etc. Add a button and a USB port for the stick and hope there’s enough juice to power the memory stick.

Would I build it? No. The storage on my pc and it’s ability to output midi are fine for me just now.

There are however a few midi player projects. Based on SD cards as storage outputting a midi message. Connecting or better yet merging the midi output of a player with a midi to CV module. Would be useful and has just landed on my to do list.

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have a look at #1007 MIDIMUSO and #1008 MIDI to trigger modules. they just convert, you’d still need a separate MIDI player. As far as I know that is the way Sam (LMNC) does it… seems to have carried him pretty far :slight_smile:


Yes you would need a multi channel MIDI to cv converter with a channel for each note you want to play, it also needs a trigger or gate out per channel. Any recorder device could then output to such a converter and provide you with what you need. In my last build I effectively built such a device but it split the MIDI notes into output channels for DAC, gate and MIDI note value, but it would not be too hard to convert that to read each incoming note channel and spit it out to the DAC. I reckon a Teensy 4.1 (or 4 ) and an 8 channel DAC could do the job easily enough. You might want to combine pitch bend into the channel CV for more flexibility or add seperate CV outputs for bend etc if you need them. But its something to consider. Want more than 8 channels then double the DACs


Another option is to just build as many cheap MIDI to CV converters as you need and put them on seperate channels. An Arduino Nano and cheap dual channel DACs for less than 10 euros, just add them until you get 16 channels. You could build the Elkyam MIDI to CV converter, each one would have its own CV, gate, velocity, bend and mod outputs.


You may want to have a look at the euro-pi module. It has sequencers and a 6 x 6 fold CV-recorder / looper on board (amongst others). It has a friendly community on discord and it is not too difficult to build.

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