Passive Volume Attenuation schematic

I would like to take a stereo input and then turn a pot that passively turns the volume (all the way) down. I feel like its not complicated but could be…
these kinds of instructions make sense to me

Is it as simple as wiring a pot to the input?

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It’s a high pass filter schem, for volume you need a simple attenuator like this


For a stereo signal you need two of them, and probably you’d want to use the two halves of a dual gang pot instead of two separate ones.


Also note that for audio you’ll want a logarithmic (aka audio) pot, not a linear pot - otherwise you’ll end up with a large part of the pot’s turn being wasted and all the actual adjustment bunched up at the end. They have values like A100K (on the schematic Dud linked to there’s an ‘a’ in a circle on the pot) as opposed to a B100K like on the schematic you’ve put up.

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All you friends rock thanks a lot!


If you want something more elaborate you might want to look into the LM1972 dual channel audio attenuator with mute, or the TDA 1524 stere-tone/volume control circuit.
Also a panpot amplifier might be of interest as described here.