I’ve been making good progress on my modular overall, however since using more and more modules, I’ve recently found that my oscillators have been sounding a little off, without a clean sounding output (almost as if the wave is having phase issues, it’s difficult to describe).
Attached below is a video of the sounds, I tested both of my 3340 VCOs as well as the super simple oscillator circuit that I built a while ago, all have the same sound.
I am wondering whether this could be a power issue, perhaps I’m powering too many modules off of one power supply? (Frequency Central Power Supply)
This all sounds about like where I am at currently.
If I unplug everything and isolate my oscillators they sound fine - but when I put them back into the system I end up with a less than satisfying tone as well as random pitch drifts.
Yes, just to update in case anyone is having the same issue, I’ve unplugged all my other modules and tested the oscillators again, with no problems and stable sound output. I will be building another power supply in the near future to ensure that this won’t arise again.