My first DIY modules - starting a Kosmo format build

Good thought. I’ve started wearing a mask… figured I’m wearing it half the time now anyway, might as well for this as well…


Pretty sure “2N2904” is a typo, I see 2N3904 in your photo.

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Yep. I get numbers transposed/mixed up all the time unfortunately :frowning: Surprised no one else caught that yet. I’ll try and update things and re-upload them tonight.


Oh shoot…I keep forgetting to update the clock divider schematic/bom…doh…

But…I did almost complete another module tonight. Finally got around to @CTorp’s sequential switch:

Unfortunately turns out I don’t have any On-Off-On switches, could have sworn I had some but even though I recently organized all my switches, pots, and jacks there’s no sign of them :frowning: So…have to wait a few days for those.

Also, still have to add the LED’s and wire the buttons.

oh, and that 2.7k resistor for the LED’s…didn’t have one in any of my well organized resistor collections. Need to either dig through the jumbled disorganized tupperware bowl of rando resistors - or since it looks like it’s just for the LED’s…swap it out for something close. Heck the blue LED’s I’m going to use would probably prefer a different drive current anyway (though since I don’t have any specs on them I’m not sure what they’d actually prefer and just wing it with them anyway.) Need to dig out the switch IC and install it as well.

But…good enough for tonight.


Anything between 470r and 10k, I’m sure those LEDs would work

Yeah, I ran a few calcs and that was about what I came up with. Wonder why he picked 2.7k on that…I’m guessing he likes his LED’s really dim?

They are still pretty bright, I made a red and a green version for my racks, I may have even used 3k cause 2.7 is kinda weird

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that does it every time …

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