I could, but it wouldn’t give enough clearance. And since I need to reprint the panel anyway to adjust the switch positions and fine tune the line driver mounting I may as well adjust the position of the analog output board as well.
As for my name…I can…but not well enough to justify the name As many nicknames do it came from college. My freshman year I was bored one evening and decided to teach myself to juggle with some tennis balls that were laying around. And I quickly found that while I could almost juggle them normally - I had no problem “reverse juggling” then by bouncing them off the floor. And while the dorm floors were poured concrete…apparently tennis balls were like mallets against a drum head as far as the girls on the floor beneath us could tell. When they came up to see what the noise was about I was branded with the name - I fought it for a few years but finally gave in and accepted I was stuck with it
The line driver boards just arrived moments ago and as I suspected - even having the .brd file to open in Eagle and import into Fusion the lack of models for the RS-232 connector means a few of my assumptions about just how things were fit were a touch off. I expected the connector to stick past the edge of the board for example - but it’s actually flush. I had planned on mounting things so the connector was flush with the front of my panel so the shape of the attaching cable wouldn’t matter. But this means I either have to leave room in the panel cutout to accommodate the cable - or I have to shift the whole board forward a few mm and open the opening a bit so the board fits along with the connector. And I think that’s the way I’ll go since I don’t want to get into a situation where switching to a different cable means I have to redesign the whole panel. So I need to shift the driver platform down about 2.5mm and shift the holes forward and enlarge the opening for the port to allow the board to fit as well.
Rethinking my plan to add an opening for a USB port though due to the current draw from the Sequencer. I use a 2a USB plug to power it as even a 1.5a can have issues. And since I’m running the modular off a 1.5a 12vac wall wart currently…seems like I should just power the sequencer off it’s own supply instead of building another supply into the modular case just for the sequencer.