Since LMNC was my 1st step into the diy modular stuff, I had to post something for the community.
This is a 3 LED stack in a 25cm pipe that can flash a LDR (in the small white box on right hand side in the picture below).
This R change is read by a circuit to convert it as a 0-10V CV. In the video, that CV controls cut off frequency of MS20 LPF clone, and 2 of the 3 stages of my wavefolder.
This is a really nice way to had feelings in your modulations when playing, like a hand controled whawha.
I will post the schematics as soon as I can.
Hope you enjoy !
They are wrapped in an aluminium pipe from an old shelf, about 1.2cm in diameter.
You can fix the LED string inside by drilling a small hole at about 2cm of the tip of the wand and running a leg of a LED through it. Then you can fix it with tape or glue, then solder one of the 2 wires to it for power.
Sorry for the delay, I’m glad to see that someone likes it !