Ken Stone's CGS08 V-8 Simulator PCB

I know ELBY Designs and Catgirl took over Ken’s pcb’s and such , but never did they get to continue with selling his fabulous V-8 simulator pcb projects. Has anyone else built this item and do you think there are any pcb’s out there for this projectr

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There’s this
which provides the PCB layout so you can etch your own, or you could use it to work it up in KiCad/EasyEDA/whatever and get it fabbed.

Never heard of this one before, it’s raucous.

I’m imaging an internal Nano-based quantizer for v/oct… a musical car!


Oh brother…

I need this

I love how they used a PCI bracket for the faceplate.

true thanks , I just was putting it out there in case someone had a pcb they might not need anymore.