Help finding rare components

So recently I’ve been trying to build a lot more arduino based synth modules from a creater named Hagiwo, and uon looking at the parts in the schematics, I really cant find what he uses anywhere, at least where I live in America. A good example of this would be an op amp he uses a couple times called a NJM27320 op amp or a MCP4726 DAC, both that I just can’t seem to find anywhere. Would anyone happen to know where to find a parts like these?

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Not sure where you looked, but it seems they’re both in production, and e.g. Mouser has about a thousand of each in stock.

(it’s NJM2732D, btw)

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I may be overlooking something, but I’d think you might be able to substitute an LM358P ($0.41 at Mouser) for the NJM2732D ($2.58)… yes? No? Worth a try?

As for the MCP4726, apparently exists only in SMT form. @HAGIWO evidently used a breakout board “purchased from Akizuki”. Might be out of luck if you want a through hole build, but per discussion on reddit Hagiwo’s quantizer circuit, at least, could probably be converted to work with an MCP4822 — would need code changes, though.


The NJM has rail-to-rail input/output. An MCP6002 should work.


And yeah, you can get SOT23 adapters from ebay or aliexpress for next to nothing. Search for “sot23 adapter” or “sot23 breakout” and make sure it has six pads.

You can also solder wires or pins (e.g. resistor cutoffs) directly to the SOT23 pins. A bit fiddly, but they’re not as absurdly tiny as many other surface mount chips (the pitch is ~1 mm, which isn’t a lot but doesn’t require superhuman skills. Also, it’s only 3 pins per side.)