I made my own version of the HaraldsWerk Modulation Sequencer. I use mini rather than banana jacks and I rebuilt the panel in EasyEDA to be able to get it made from PCB and have the correct dimensions for all the holes. Mine vs. the original:
I may still do a v2 of the panel to fix some niggles. I would put a layer of copper on the front in order to have it show through the masked off logo at the bottom and I would reposition the board mounting holes to actually match the board. The original uses a mounting bracket and I’d rather just use standoffs. Also, the bottom left rack mounting hole is off to the left because I somehow missed it when repositioning the top hole to the standard Eurorack position. All in all, I’m pretty happy with the result.
I’m going to replace the pots with switches and resistors on one of the modules to use it as a trigger sequencer. I’ll build at least one more the same as the first one so that I have two of those.
PCBs from JLCPCB in two separate orders because I couldn’t wait for myself to finish the panel
Thanks for sharing this, looks like a fun build . did you use the same circuit pcb files as the Haraldswerk seq. ? if not would you possibly share those files as well ? .
Yes, I just used the Gerbers from his site. It leads to a little bit of a funky power workaround, but it actually saves components to be on 12v in this case:
and the 7 like it… That’s just an NPN switch and a BC550B or even a 2n3904 (same pinout) would work just fine, right? [Edit: Wrong about the pinout, I Googled too hastily, 2n3904 is reversed from BC550 and would have to be installed “backwards”.]
(Don’t even get me started on the 10k, 11k, and 12k resistors.)
Very good job, I think your panel is a little prettier. It could be because his banana sockets are colorful, that somehow doesn’t fit. Again, good job!
Getting ready to wire this. If there’s anything in the documentation explaining the Molex terminal orderings I can’t find it. I stared at the Gerbers and came up with this, let me know if you spot an error.