Envelope Gen not working right

Hey all, Im stuck on how to properly wire up my arcade button like Sam has his (showing the envelope when pressed)

Ive 3d printed a panel for the more complicated Arcade button AR EnvGen, Soldered it all together and on testing the button doesnt show the generated Signal…
Today when testing i did mess up and plug in +/- backwards popping a TL072, which i replaced and i wired into my psu correctly too.
After plugging back in, the arcade button lit up for a moment. but on pressing did nothing.(no led env’) i unplugged and tested if the led had burned out, which it hadnt.

From what i can see ive got the Board right, the Arcade button is wired in right and the Arcade button led has its own resistor internally so ive omitted the 1k on the + of the signal Led. (which i assume is the Arcade Buttons Internal LED)
just stuck on how to trouble shoot as this is my first venture into the Modular world.

Ive also Subverted the Norms of Euro format and gone for 130mm tall panels (because of noob ignorance when i decided to design my panels on Blender)
However after building what i have so far i am tempted to go for 150mm for a little extra space XD

any help/guidance/direction would be appreciated =)


Which circuit is this?

(Sam has enough designs out there that it would be great if people were a bit more specific, and linked to either the LMNC site or one of the threads here, but in the latter case you could also just post in that thread instead of opening a new one…)

At a guess


@twinturbo is correct, i followed the second design and it didnt click that the ‘Signal LED’ is meant to be the Arcade buttons led (if using that version)

I did have a look at the 4 other similar posts for info before posting, but didnt see much relevant so rather than necro or jack someones thread i thought i should make a new post =)

Ill grab a couple of pics later on, or edit up a diagram

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It looks a bit of a mess now on the panel side after trying to get it working, im unsure if the button is actually triggering the envelope to drive the led or, if the led is just wired in wrong.
I do need to wire the jacks grounds together, thats the only thing I can see. But I dont see why that should interfere. =/

Im totally new to building and using Modular stuff, but I do have experience soldering via psp mods and building FPV quads.


If this helps I just did a quick sketch of how ive wired stuff up and if I can find one, ill link a schem of my arcade button aswell.

I have skipped the 1k resistor as the led pcb has one internally.

EDIT: This is the button