DIY Power Supply Thread - Questions and Help

I’ve searched in the forum but didn’t find anything. Maybe it’s a very stupid question but here it goes:
I have built the Frequency Central Routemaster:

It has 12 connections for my modules. If I were to connect a 13th module, do I need a separate Power Supply and a separate wall wart for it? Or could I connect two modules with one cable, just making it long enough and putting another connector in the middle?

EDIT: Also sorry if this would warrant a new thread and I’ve hijiacked this convo now :grimacing: Still not 100% used to this forum


It will work but it’s not recommended (has to do with noise possibly propagating from the"middle" module to the “end” module and ground, which should be in a “star” configuration)
A better workaround it to plug the MIDDLE connector of a three connector cable into the PSU, and both ends into modules.


I can’t believe I haven’t thought of that. I have experimented at times when I’ve run out of buses and most of the time it seems fine to just use a flying cable like that, but not always. Plugging the middle connector in seems like it would work better.


keep in mind power consumption too , when plugging in more . if your modules are needing more than the supply can give they will start acting flaky.




That is great advice, thank you!
If it comes to it I’ll check for power consumption and plan accordingly :+1:


I understand that different modules will use more power than others, but in general is there a way to estimate about how much power one might need if they know how many modules they have?

For example, generally speaking could you estimate that one FC Microbus can power 8 modules if using a 1.5A wall-wart?

With Euro - you can generally calculate the total on Modular Grid (that is if the manufacturer posted the specs for current draw)

I can’t say I own enough stuff yet to total out my befaco excalibus haha. maybe if all 3 tiers were being powered from it - but for my 3rd tier i opted for a separate power supply.

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I seem to remember someone earlier in the thread saying they estimate about 50ma on the +12V per module on average, as a very rough guide - some will use a lot less, some will use more, but it middles out around there.

And that was pretty much spot on for me - I was using a 1A supplied FC microbus, that should put out about 500ma on the +12V rail, and it started weeding out after I plugged in the 11th/12th module.

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Or you can measure it.


lol - that reminds me - that things sitting in my drawer and needs to be built.


I built this a few weeks ago. It can be bought from Thonk and also comes as a standalone without the panel. Measuring current draw has never been easier:


Well - now you can give us all the KOSMO specs :stuck_out_tongue:


see model number JORT3 laugh tail off

-Fumu / Esopus

I think it’s maybe a good thing to put the link here :slight_smile:

Super clear to understand everything about how it’s working !

DIY SYNTH PSU: How to build a simple dual power supply


I could use some eyes on this from someone with experience looking at schematics and knowing if things would work correctly :slight_smile:

I’ve been looking for a power solution for my Eurorack case which is essentially 8U and 126HP.

It’s a long story but I ended up meeting a person who designed his own power supply. He had some boards printed and sent them to me along with the schematic. He wasn’t 100% confident that his design would work.

Since this is dealing with mains I would like to know if people think this is a safe and effective solution that would work for my needs?

There’s no mains in that circuit – the input is 9-18 V DC (not AC) from a power brick, and ±12 V is generated by a DC/DC converter module (6 W, so max 250 mA).


Which is not 126 HP of 3U, let alone 8U!

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How much power should I need to run 8U 126HP? Ballpark Estimate?

This was the option I was looking at before these boards were sent my way. @ChristianBloch had found this on a Mutable Instruments forum post. Would 2 MeanWells be enough or do I need 3?

Is there a different solution that someone thinks would be better to use?

BTW…thanks @fredrik and @analogoutput for looking at this for me. Much appreciate and respect your expertise.

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Ideally you’d identify the current requirements for each module, add them up, and compare to the Meanwell specs. For a quick and dirty estimate I’d say 50 to 70 mA +12V, 30 to 50 mA -12V per module (and 0 mA +5 V for most modules, 100 mA probably enough for all).