Hi Diyer’s, i’m going to recreate QuadCast S microphone, little inspiration of this guy.
Main MC will be stm32f103c8t6, but the problem is : "How much microphone capsules should i have to recreate all mic—directions (there are 4 in sum) “.
And how or by whom I should be inspired in to make PCB, for it. I really don’t understand, how and where sound properly go, when I switch my direction’s knob to other position.
As i understand there are two ways:
- Make omni direction and do some math calcs inside MC, (but i don’t how to , mb there are some references/links ?)
- Make PCB which do polar pattern chooser like DIY mic module
AND the problem is, when i start googling for schemas with switched polar pattern mic (like Blue Yeti and others, i find nothing, that can help me) If there are som-th, please share, and help me ))