DIY...haircut? Whaddyathink?

My coif was getting a little shaggy already before The Event but now that there’s not a chance in hell I’m going to go let another person do that to me at least until the all clear whistle blows, I’m starting to look at my old Robocut and clippers again. Then I started to remember @lookmumnocomputer talking about how he did his own hair and flashing back to my college/punk days of knuckle-cuts (which Sam described in the Patreon video from today!)

Does anyone recall though how he does the weight-line? I could swear he’s said it before, but it might have been that Mel does the clipper part for him. I figure this might be a good chance to have a haircut that my younger self would have approved of again before returning to the corporate grind with a Ceasar, if need be. I probably wouldn’t copy him wholesale, but the shaved-sides-back-to-a-“V” was definitely my look back then. Sort of a Howard Jones-inspired super-wide mohawk that, in retrospect, was probably actually the first mullet but with teased-up bangs.

If no-one remembers (and Sam doesn’t see this in time) then any suggestions here on guiding the trimmers myself (my wife hates it when I do my own hair and I’m loath to ask for her help) will be considered, with a promise of photos of an old man doing his best to look like a young Daniel Ash or something.

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@lookmumnocomputer VLOG idea?

(I’ll probably go for “look mum no haircut” myself, at least for the time being)

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We used to call these “2nd Year” haircuts at university… past the nervous freshman stage, no money, and job interviews still distant…

The idea was, get 2 mirrors set up opposite at floor level, however you can so you can see the back, a day when your not doing much (every day if you’re a sociology student).

Bend over between mirrors and hold head upside down. Cut hair as best you can. Taking time.

Don’t go too mad all at once.

If you think you’ve got it, stop. But keep looking at hair inbetween study periods (OK, watching daytime tv). If any bits sticking out or undesirable, rectify. Repeat until it’s time for the pub. (Not today obviously, but you get the idea)

This is the most authentic way to achieve the LMNC “I dont do normal stuff” look.


Hair grows back. I had hair down to my middle of the back. Shaved it all off last Feb. Let it grow out, and I’m past shoulder length again now.


Last hair cut I had was 4/12/18.

I have fairly long hair, I said to the Barber

“It’s our staff Christmas doooo, I want a little off and a tidy up, I normally wear it in a pony tail for work…”

Well by the time Edward Scissor Hands had finished, that pony tail could only be ~1" max!!!

So nobody is cutting it ever again… It’s taken 16 months to get back to normalish length.



Well, this is as long as I lasted. DIY haircut:

I’ll probably trim some of what’s left too, but man it feels good to be rid of the side and back. :grin:


LOL-at our age, this might be the last chances we ever get to relive the post-punk glory days of our youth through haircuts. On the other hand, this may be the new normal so it may never matter again…


Well, working in Silicon Valley I imagine is a little easier—hairstyle-wise—than a lot of places. If I ever have to go job hunting again, I may reconsider :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


For additional inspiration, here’s electronics YouTuber Big Clive showing how to trim your beard “with nothing more than a funnel and good quality hair trimmers.” (he fixed the hair later, but probably didn’t use a funnel for that).


My last hair cut wa 08/12/2018… And the hairdresser (PRO) did a hatchet job on that… So Not to bothered about the situation…

I did decide to put a bit of colour in for a bit of fun… Bemused the family for a couple of days but now it’s normal… So may change again!
