CV Keyboard with ADSR

Kia ora everyone!

I’ve put this little CV keyboard together and I thought I would share. I was looking out for a simple CV keyboard for ages, one that can fit in with my other modules, none of this midi conversion rubbish. Something not too serious or anything, just if you wanted to bash something out and show off to your niece and nephews.


Its based on Ken Stone’s CGS-10 and I slapped Benjiao’s miniADSR into the free space. The keyboard gate is connected to the ADSR gate in so it kinda works as an easy all in one. but you can still use them independently as well if you want.

All the files and more rambling is on my github:

I put it together in EasyEDA, which I dont think many people use but I got confused when I first tried KiCAD so whatever. I think you can export it to other formats but that seems dangerous to me LOL


I’ve included an eps, dxf and ai file for the panel. I make mine out of laser cut acrylic but you should be able to import the dxf if you wanted to make one out of a pcb or whatever.

I hope someone finds this useful, which is why I’m posting this here. If you do end up making one I would love to see a photo.
