Ciat-Lonbarde Paper Circuits

The other thing it’s starting to remind me of is all the old Forest Mims books I had.

Hey all,

I hope I can revive this topic a little :slight_smile: After getting some pcbs of CL circuits (the MengQi version of ACPS, a Lil Sidrassi, and a Spikering) from a friend I’ve fallen down a major rabbit hole. I’ve started with building a 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-Roll as paper circuits. I used mono jacks as I don’t currently have anything else with banana jacks, but I may build some with bananas in the future.

I’ve been really enjoying the chaotic and unpredictable nature of these circuits and I’ve learned a lot from researching how others have built their versions/modified their circuits.

Here’s some pictures I posted of what I’ve been calling the RollzBox:

I’m gearing up to build two Gerassic Organs as paper circuits. Has anyone round these parts built one? I’m curious to get feedback/suggestions!


heres how I did my gerassic

You can alternatively make all of the trimmers as pots instead…

I suggest using a 6 way rotary switch for the hairy cap - will get you way more pitch variation!

I plan to alter mine eventually.

Check out the Lines forum - there is a thread called mobenthey and ciat lonbarde etc etc (somethin like that lolol)
also join the ciat lonbarde cool kids group and the ciat lonbarde paper circuits group on FB :slight_smile:

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You can alternatively make all of the trimmers as pots instead…

Yeah that’s where my mind went with that. I was thinking about building two organs into one enclosure: one would have buttons and the other patch points but with all the trimmers changed to pots that would get busy fast.

I suggest using a 6 way rotary switch for the hairy cap - will get you way more pitch variation!

I actually did this for 3 of the 5 hairies on the Lil Sidrassi :slight_smile: Overall it worked well although I was less than scientific in putting the values together so I sometimes get mixed results when playing with it.

also join the ciat lonbarde cool kids group and the ciat lonbarde paper circuits group on FB

And, sadly, I now have one more reason not to leave FB :sweat_smile: That said, I’m actually on lines, so imma dig through that thread for sure.


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