If you are going to bread board the circuit by Tom Whitwell, you might as well bread board the circuit you showed in the first post.
Leave out the left circled bit and build it using a TL071 and tap the output signal from the red circled tag on the right. A TL071 is a one op-amp chip. It is as big as a TL072, so you won’t save a lot of space using that.
Note: for amplification purposes C5, D1 and R7 are not important
TL071 pins:
- pin 2 minus signal input of op-amp
- pin 3 plus signal input of op-amp
- pin 4 negative power supply
- pin 6 output of opamp
- pin 7 positive power supply
- pin 8 not connected
- pin 1 and 5 are for offset correction, you can ignore them for your application
Bread boarding this circuit as well seems more work, but you will be rewarded with learning something about op-amps. Also have a look at these op-amp tutorial videos by W2AEW.