Or, if you’d rather, you can spend $8 plus $1.50 shipping and buy the PCB from Barton, which you’ll know is correct. Stripboard’s cheaper but only if the layout’s right.
Well, I have worked at 2 major companies who produced the pcb-s for their products themselves. And in real life pcb-s are not guaranteed to be correct. You can often see in commercial devices that over time they have undergone change or have been refurbished. And lots of them have a version number printed on them.
True, but he’s been selling this board for seven years. He probably has it right by now.
I was trying to look for clues to this on the website above but no luck. Does anyone know if this Barton is any relation to Todd Barton the Buchla evangelist?
(Those prices are direct from Barton with shipping to Canada; SynthCube charges $9 for the board and quotes me $5.99 for cheapest shipping.)
It’s Michael Barton of Indiana. There are lots of Michael Bartons.
@fredrik pointed out to me that there was already a Barton Wave Animator thread here so I’m adding my question to this thread instead of continuing on the one I started tonight. I found one other issue that I need some guidance on as I can’t tell where one leg of a resistor is connected on the schematic.
If you look at the image here where I have circled the two green dots, these should be holes for trace cuts, yes? That’s how I interpreted the stripboard layout. So I used a drill bit to remove the hole within each square. Everything lines up accordingly except this component. I’ve run into an issue where R28 (10k) has one leg where one of the trace cuts is. I’ve triple checked my counting and I should have done that right. When I looked at the schematic I saw that one leg of the 10k is connected to pin 14 of the IC, which is correct. The other leg should connect, I think if I am reading this right, to R31 (220r) yes? So to fix this I would need to move the one leg of the resistor that is currently in a trace cut hole to where? Can I move it where I have placed the purple X? Or could I move the entire resistor over so one leg is where the purple X is and the other is in the same column but goes to pin 14 on the IC?
( I actually have several rows of free space where the pots are shown on the stripboard layout. I have an additional 7 holes available in the strip that this leg is on. I added an additional row that I could use for this adjustment in this image.)
Fredrik posted the schematic above already so I didn’t think I needed to add it again.
if i understand everything … yes you can of course put it on the same line (purple cross)
imagine following the current through the components and lines of the stripboard
some people here said that there were errors on this schem Barton Wave Animator 15V/12V question
so compare well with schematic
good luck !!!
here’s the complet PDF of Barton http://www.bartonmusicalcircuits.com/saw/documentation.pdf
I do not know where you are in your construction, but after some other modules I tackle this one,
but comparing with the original diagram (Barton PDF) I found 2 ERRORS !!
1- R3 should go to pin 1 of TL072 (and not pin 2)
2 - R8 to pin 6 and not to +12
if I’m not mistaken, because it was a bit of a mess to analyze all this
maybe someone else can confirm it
I agree. I think “riddled with errors and problems” is an apt description of this layout. If you’re in the midst of building it maybe you can salvage it, but I certainly would not advise starting on it.
To repeat myself, for $8 and $1 to $1.50 shipping, you can buy the presumably error free PCB from Barton.
thanks but I already have stripboard and it’s always 9/10 euros less, all my modular is only stripboard and I was planning to finish it like this (if ever there is an end one day!) …
but apart from the 2 errors that I have just reported the rest seems identical to me.
which ones do you see?
Well, there’s the already-discussed thing with two components sharing the same hole and it’s not easily if at all visible in the layout which hole it is. (R26 and R15 for instance.), and the one popflier pointed out. So I’d say that’s at least three errors and one problem. Maybe that’s all of them. As I said, if you’re midway through it you can probably make it work, and if you’re determined to stripboard everything that’s cool. Personally I’d rather spend $9 but that’s me.
Did you mention where this layout came from? If so I missed it. I’d like to know if only to regard with suspicion any other layouts from the same source.
I no longer knew where I had found it, but I just found it (with "barton wave animator stripboard " recherche) , it’s here :
Electro Music forum : http://electro-music.com/forum/topic-67160.html
for the 2 resistors in the same hole, I will add a column
I had already started it, but stopped when I started running into problems. I’m going to finish it but only doing so as a tool to help me learn about translating schematics to stripboard. Otherwise, I agree…buy the PCB and be done with it.
Thank you for letting me know.
yes thanks, I always read the diagram at the same time
R22 up = 120K
R22 down = 330K
i find another error : the purple wire go to pin1 of TL072 (and not to pin 2)
and actually it would be much less the mess with the PCB but I am poor and stubborn
Ever get this working?
I did it but not still tested (like a lot of my last modules, because not yet the components of my new power supply)
but the stripboard contains some errors it is better that you refer to the diagram