@fredrik pointed out to me that there was already a Barton Wave Animator thread here so I’m adding my question to this thread instead of continuing on the one I started tonight. I found one other issue that I need some guidance on as I can’t tell where one leg of a resistor is connected on the schematic.
If you look at the image here where I have circled the two green dots, these should be holes for trace cuts, yes? That’s how I interpreted the stripboard layout. So I used a drill bit to remove the hole within each square. Everything lines up accordingly except this component. I’ve run into an issue where R28 (10k) has one leg where one of the trace cuts is. I’ve triple checked my counting and I should have done that right. When I looked at the schematic I saw that one leg of the 10k is connected to pin 14 of the IC, which is correct. The other leg should connect, I think if I am reading this right, to R31 (220r) yes? So to fix this I would need to move the one leg of the resistor that is currently in a trace cut hole to where? Can I move it where I have placed the purple X? Or could I move the entire resistor over so one leg is where the purple X is and the other is in the same column but goes to pin 14 on the IC?
( I actually have several rows of free space where the pots are shown on the stripboard layout. I have an additional 7 holes available in the strip that this leg is on. I added an additional row that I could use for this adjustment in this image.)
Fredrik posted the schematic above already so I didn’t think I needed to add it again.