Where’s the arduino code? I only see STL files in your RAR download.
ok, fixed, sorry for the inconvenience
Hi everyone.
For those who are following the project I’m working on firmware updates right now.
Last code version available on github add a “Arpeggiator mode” that can be enabled/disabled by switching SHIFT + CH. 2 buttons.
I’m working on new features such as different bars & steps count per channel, and also a complete extended documentation.
Hi Alexis and mEDUSAmONSUL, thank you for sharing this with the community. I have already built the original version from YMNK, but would like to change in now as really like your version with the screen. I’ve looked at the code, but can’t work out where the encoder is wired onto the nano. Normally I would put it on D2 and D3, but these are occupied. Do you have a schematic I could follow? Thank you. Here’s the one I already built.
What’s the name of these LED buttons? I really need to find those for my next arpeggiator.
Also, next month, I will upgrade the midi looper. I really need a new one with new features (such as polyphony, complex arpeggiator algorithms, saving patterns …)
PB86-B0, no LED and B1 with LED and B2 with 2 LED’s but hard to find.
Also available as A0, A1 and A2. These are different size to the B sizes. Aliexpress is the easiest place to get them.
Hi Alexis, it’s a great gadget to have, thank you. Will your new version incorporate a screen?
Hi Craig, hope your keeping well and safe.
All safe here so far, thanks
Yes, I have a bunch of small SDA screen
I think of writing a virtual class that can be integrate with any kind of screen.
Also, I will use multiplexers and demultiplexers since it will maybe have more control on it.
Will start this project in two weeks, will keep everyone in touch
Thank You for the code . Have you a diagram/schematic for the connections ? I would really like to build this with the screen.Hope you can help this will only be my second project build so still learning.Thanks in advance!!
the website ges to a 404 forbidden reload out to no here anymore, cn you help find your website better please
I changed my website few days ago.
Here’s the new link : https://www.ymnkmusic.com/projects.php?name=midiloopersequencer
I’ll gonna make redirections to these links.
Thanks for notifying me
You appear to not have used the internal pullup resistors of the nano to give the switches a default voltage level. In stead of using resistors to pull down the inputs and buttons that connect the inputs to V+ this would allow to connect switches between the inputs and GND and leave out the external resistors. The switches will then give a low signal when pressed instead of a high signal. Maybe for a future version it might be interesting to look into this?
Yes, was not aware of that thing when I conceived it !
Of course, for the next version, I will use this.
Is there a new update for this yet? I have started playing out live but the lack of a sequencer for my '80s casio synthesiser is a real problem for me. There is a lot of talk about adding screens and there was some code from a video on this thread which had the screen, but I kind of need a wiring diagram to make it.
There was also talk of deleting the pull down resistors?
I was wondering if it is possible to have an additional midi input to allow for a midi clock signal to come from my drum machine, then I can plug both the input and output into my synthesiser as I would prefer to not require an additional controller keyboard.
No update yet, I’m working on that.
This will include screen & no pull down resistors.
About the midi input, you can buy midi merger to do that job (MIDI Solutions Merger V2 for example), that’s exactly what I do for plugging my MPC for the clock and my MIDI keyboard for playing.
Maybe there’s a DIY midi merger schematic somewhere.
I have a midi merger on my GitHub page, basilly it can merge 3 streams to 3 outputs and do simple filtering of pgm, cc or clock signals, but also has 10 memories for routing, splits etc as well. Runs and an Arduino mega as you need multiple UARTs for the MIDI.
Hi everyone.
Few days ago I finally started the second version of my MIDI looper !
I’ve got many feedbacks for this project, asking for a lot of features …
So I will use this thread to talk about my dev & building journey !
Here is the current state
I started to work on the Display stuff (I will use an I2C display) and also on the EEPROM read/write status.
I am currently working on a Arduino Nano Every but might switch back to a regular nano when the dev is done.
In the first iteration the bar count & the step per bar count was global, now I want it to be per channel, in order to allow polyrhythmic madness !
Because of EEPROM read/write, the bar count & step per bar count (and also lots of settings) will be stored inside the EEPROM. Cause the EEPROM is not that big, I don’t think it will be possible to store all the notes stored in the loop …
The github project is here GitHub - alexiszbik/midiLoop2: The second version of my MIDI Looper