Teensy 4.1 based editor for the AX-80 fitted with Tauntek firmware (any ROM revision)
Just an update of where I’m upto with this and if you have any suggestions.
The editor is fully working as regards changing parameters from the pots and buttons. It can also load the factory ROM sounds into the first 32 slots and the factory RAM sounds into slots 33-96. I have both ROM/RAM versions of sound banks onboard so you can set what firmware you have in your machine in the editor settings and it will call up the appropriate patches for your firmware version. It has two MIDI inputs, one can be used as a note/sysex/cc/bend input etc from a DAW to send patches and whatever. The second input connects to the output of the AX-80 so you can send sysex patches back and forth between the editor and the synth. This will only respond to sysex currently. The usb connection can also be used with your DAW acting as a usb to MIDI converter.
I’m not currently handling any sysex dumps although I have tested it and I have an array of 64 patches received in the editor, I just need to decide what to do with them when received, overwrite the existing bank from 33-96 or create a new bank from 97 onwards etc.
Also not set up sending any sysex dumps, but again, easy enough to configure, maybe just selecting a bank range again. What I’ve noticed is sysex patches are numbered 0-63, I was wondering if I can send individual patches to the synth.
The editor will work in master mode where it just updates all parameters of the AX-80 when you recall a patch on the editor, this way the sound and editor is always in sync, the program number on the AX never increments, but the sound changes and the displays update, you can see it’s name in the Editor window. This allows you to completely control the AX sound from the editor. Or you can run it in dumb mode and it will just send params as you change them on the editor and the synth and editor are out of sync and you are limited to the 96 patches.