After I master Kosmo then what?

I was wondering if you guys would like a way to go further into the science of this art. “Don’t only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets, for it and knowledge can raise men to the divine.” (Ludwig van Beethoven, The Meaning of Life) I always thought even though we may eventually master something we simply don’t stop there. As my website Fathomistic Fantasy would tell you, imaginative crafts don’t stop with one skill. Instead it expands to further who you are in many skills to tell a story in some way. After all we are here to better our understanding of science and the art of sound. With any luck our story told through the medium of sound will be heard by many. “Anything worth doing is worth overdoing.” (Myth Busters, Discovery Channel)

Building a synth with schmit Plus logic


already in this thread :slight_smile:


So we had similar ideas. I made my thread specifically about expanding into more difficult projects. I still plan to search out different tutorials and resources that goes a little further than logic gates. The one I chose was something simple that explained how the parts worked. I was going to try and find actual projects that takes those simple explanations and build something much bigger. Basically I was putting together some sort of discussion for writing my tutorials. Really did not want to hijack anyones thread if you know what I mean.