Hi, I made my own pcb of the performance VCO schematic, because I was so impatient! It works great so I made 3 more! Now I tried to connect them all, via the link connector (just a ribbon cable connecting all the boards and then to a panel with four jacks for v/oct, pw, sqare out and ramp out), but then I hear very strange sounds and all the oscillators shift tune like crazy… So, I think I just learned that you sometimes need to buffer your stuff?
My question: can I just put a TL074 in the v/oct line and leave everything else as it Is?
hello! aah yes sorry Christmas post on prototypes made the module stuff slow down a bit sorry about that… ok so the reason it is happening is because the link connector you would be connecting all of the outputs of the waveforms together.
in the design of the linking modules you dont actually link them together. they are link cables to connect to output modules and input modules that are yet to come, so for instance there is a mixer module that mixes 3 VCO’s together, but the link cable attaches to seperate link inputs on the mixer board. if they all attached together like you have done you’ll get crazy sounds. however that might be a good thing
the 1v/oct inputs you dont actually need to buffer as they are already a high impedance input (in simple terms it means if you plug them both together they dont effect each other its like there weren’t connected at all.) you can get away with just plugging all the CV’ ins to the same input.
Thank you Sam! Okai, I was a bit unclear: I connected then like in this picture, not ALL of the outputs together So I have separate jacks for CV, PW and the outputs. I can not really mix them, but have all of them at the same loudness level. I thought that this should work… apparently it does not quite… But maybe I connected the ribbon cable wrongly or something.
Then again: I could not control more than one oscillator with the same v/oct in (from my keystep). But I will try this again when I come home in the evening.
this will work if you add a 100k resistor to the out of each square out and ramp out. the rest will work fine being together