Not sure where that 2 V comes from – the 3360’s inputs and outputs are current driven with a ±400 uA max range. The input stage matches the datasheet, with an added inverting buffer followed by the datasheet’s 47k that maps ±10 V (20 Vpp) to ±200 uA, which is within range. I don’t see what the diode is doing there; seems to me you could just leave it out…
The output is also a little bit odd – output is a ±200 uA current at max gain (1.0×), so you’d expect there to either be a resistor to ground (datasheet uses a 47k to shift back to ±10 V) followed by an inverting buffer, or a straight I-to-V stage (signal directly into an opamp with a 47k feedback resistor), but I guess the two 100k resistors have the same effect? You could probably replace that with a piece of wire and a 47k one 100k if you’re a bit adventurous
EDIT: You’d have keep the 100k feedback to get the same output voltage. The first 100k doesn’t really do anything, what I can tell (after turning on some more braincells), since the current doesn’t have anywhere else to go but through it. You could probably use any value there. Or a 0 ohm link.