Welcome to Discourse

Welcome to the look mum no computer discourse, made for conversations that dont fit on the likes of youtube or Patreon etc, for example build information or whatever really!

  • You will find info on the Kosmo Format, and other people using it, maybe even designing for it, maybe other people have done certain projects within the videos.

Hey, couple days late, but happy anniversary!

I wasn’t around at the start, I didn’t join until February, I think, but congratulations on a year of a great forum to those who were!


For information, there are currently 11 people with Anniversary badges. These are granted to those with one year of membership and at least one post. Most of these badges were granted around 11pm last night, a few of them before then.

This was the first post by a human, I think.


There’s also this
although since 2020 was a leap year, that badge could be awarded a day before Anniversary.


Been seeing the little :birthday: next to people’s names and it makes my heart warm.

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