Wavetable Polysynth in a Crumar Stratus case

This massive old chunk of technology started out as a dead Crumar Stratus that I picked up cheap, I repaired all the filter boards etc and it was fine but boring.

So I had the crazy idea to replace the organ based tone generators with a VCO of some sort. I settled on the Electric Druid VCDO1 which is a wavetable 8 bit oscillator with a main 16 wave table and a 32 wave sub.

After a lot of messing around I decided to rip everything out and start again. New oscillator boards, new multi pole filters, a new LFO and new env generators.

It has 999 memories, dual VCDO per voice, 24 dB multi pole filters and a 16 wave LFO, 3 env gens per voice for pitch, filter and amp with velocity available on each.


Very impressive build and it sounds good as well!


Thanks, this is one of my longest ongoing projects and I’ve used it as a learning platform. Never used Arduino or Teensy in anything before.