Unexpected LMNC

10:42: “Oh no! what the Fluke happened here? I thought we were looking at a world class DC voltage standard and not a Look Mum No Computer circuit bending victim.”


Also on topic:

(even if the LMNC appearances in Colin’s videos aren’t really “unexpected” at this point)


I did notice some of the music in on of Colin’s latest video’s (Tunnel) had LMNC music in it.

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I always smile when he uses LMNC songs. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Right from the start this time too :smiley:


On Colin’s video description:

“In a band, want your music on my videos! Send your tracks to [email address] as all music on this channel is from viewer’s”

I’m sure that Colin has good intentions by playing music from his viewers but it’s also greatly to his benefit to do so. He can avoid licensing fees for the music and doing so also allows him not to get his monetization for the video cut by YouTube.

This also helps out up and coming or lesser known artists by getting the exposure to his followers. Even if only 1/3 of Colin’s followers watched the video that’s still potentially over 3 million people who heard it and that is pretty damn good numbers, especially for a video that will be able to accessed for an indefinite time period. When I worked at EMI/Capitol we would spend a ridiculous amount of money just to get exposure for a single track to 3 million people. This is 100% a win/win for all and the type of marketing campaigns that I always loved setting up.


hahahaha love that dude well funny! what the fluke. I thought we were looking at a world class dc power thingy. not a look mum no computer circuit bending victim. right on the money with that one haha

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Found one in the wild here: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=Mzg5OTA1NDU5Nw==&mid=2247508977&idx=1&sn=5aa961aee84e02231d2d157a722ae8ee&chksm=c05bce9bf72c478d7165442346cba7f4a85bc8cf41662b88706d388c3282abe89c79d1491987&scene=21#wechat_redirect

“Always wearing an explosive head with an electric head, and always wearing overalls. The reason why this British buddy makes people so happy is that he turned the modular synthesizer into an entertainment product through his own brain. The way he captures creativity has permeated every detail in life-such as when he sees his cat.”

“Every second of LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER ’s YouTube channel exudes the meaning of dumb punk, but when you enter his personal website, you will find that this man who does not look very smart with an electric drill is really touching. .”


“Regulations are not the only headache. As I continued to feed Jake’s Henry habit via the internet, a less wholesome side of his dust cult emerged. There are flame-throwing Henrys, fighting Henrys, X-rated fan fiction and a music video in which a man takes in an abandoned Henry only for it to strangle him while he sleeps.”


It’s probably not realistic to use 126 sine oscillators per note if we are patching real analog hardware; only “Look Mum No Computer” builds synthesizers that way.


Sam laughs at your pathetically sparse 126 oscillators


This popped up in my RSS today.



first song is familiar…


Sam was featured in the latest issue(~40MB) of Hackspace magazine.

Sam Battle, aka Look Mum No Computer, wears many hats. He’s a musician, who records and performs. He’s an inventor, bringing electronic musical instruments into life from out of the depths of his brain. He’s also a music producer, a TED talker, and a self-taught electronics engineer.
That’s more than enough, but he’s also a brilliant teacher – if you want to know about the fascinating, bizarre rabbit hole that is electronic music, you couldn’t find a better place to start than his site lookmumnocomputer.com.
We spoke to Sam when he created the Furby Organ: a polyphonic synthesizer that cries out with the voices of 44 Furbies. It’s an amusing, weird, fascinating instrument that relies on Arduinos, abandoned 1990s animatronic toys, and a lot of soldering.

I may or may not have emailed them suggesting an interview with him.


Seen in an episode of bad gear:


Not hugely unexpected for me, Florian’s a fan (he’s one of my other Patreon recipients, and happy to chat)



What, no Kablooie gum stickers?

Edit: I didn’t know this, but the Loki TV series writer Michael Waldron has acknowledged that the Kablooie gum reference was a nod to the Calvin and Hobbes strip cartoonist, Bill Watterson.