The Pets Thread

Here’s my cat Vera, she’s so lovely and warm snuggled up to me under the duvet in the summer !!!


There is a place like that in Karlsruhe which is the next bigger city around, but i’ve never been there. They are also struggeling with the current situation of course.

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So we have two parrots and two budgies. I won’t go into the details and the how but they’re very active members of our household, at least for now.

Ruby is a female Eclectus. She’s very broody, and this is her fifth clutch of two infertile eggs this year. If we don’t provide a cardboard box in her cage she lays the eggs on the floor beneath it.

A previous owner clipped her wing feathers and she’s still recovering them. She often stands on top of her cage and exercises her wings. Being flightless doesn’t stop her getting around but she takes longer. She’s very gentle and adores music, particularly baroque oratorio. She often growls appreciatively and sometimes sings along to her favourite bits.

This is Stan and Ollie. They’re great singers and fliers, but most of the time they’re wrapped up in their own world.

This is Angel, a Pionus. He’s a pretty good flier for a parrot, and a quite sweet-natured bird for the most part. He’s also the best mimic. If I go into the kitchen to make some coffee he’ll often imitate the timer alarm I use on my phone to remind me when it’s done. He knows my first name, mainly because I’m the person everybody calls for help when something goes wrong. So the room often resounds to Angel calling Tony, Tony! His interest in music isn’t for the singing or the melody. He likes to mimic the interesting sounds.

He’s resting on my wife’s knee here while he prunes his feathers.

[Edit: some weeks later I realise I meant “preens.” How embarrassing.]


There may be kids on here man!
And here’s you uploading photos explicitly showin your wife’s knees!
No man, too far!


This is my daughter’s albino ferret, Spinel. The name is from a character in Steven Universe. She’s fully adult but, being a ferret, as lively as a kitten. The motion blur is unavoidable.

What’s this? A bag!

It’s open. Must look closer.

I’m going to have to investigate inside.

So dark in here.

I really like it in here!


All the friends I’ve had with ferrets attest to me their stories. It always sounds like a cartoon. They hid in their backpack, and popped out. Or they would find shinies and steal them etc.


My daughter has a new yellow Labrador puppy, Jodie. She’s named after Doctor Who.


Oh my god how cute! Has she met Neve yet? I’m just all kinds of in love with her!


She’s new and she hasn’t even meet Spinel the ferret yet. They both live in my daughter’s house which is about a mile walk from my house.

We don’t know how Spinel will react, but provisionally the plan is to bring her into the living room when Jodie is asleep in her dog crate and see how she reacts.


This guy is Pixel, enjoying some groundhog day

Here’s Nermal, looking like he wants to eat your soul… or get petted XD


That cat does not look like it has the attitude of John Arbuckle’s “Nermal.” It does look like a Maine Coon though, which would make the attitude out-of-sorts for the breed.


He used to be incredibly shy, but he’s alot more confident now. He doesnt like photos tho, have to catch him sleepy haha.
His ego matches for sure. Definitely thinks he’s the prettiest cat on the street.


found on:


This is the most important link that has ever been shared in the history of the inter webs.


It’s certainly relevant to the forum, which is something I didn’t expect to see here.


Our budgies (out of shot perched near the top of the window frame) are keenly watched by a number of neighbourhood cats. Here’s one I spotted this evening.

If the window blinds look a little ragged, that’s the work of the pionus parrot. We let the birds fly free.


This is Taco, the tubby tiger, the chubby cheetah, the pudgy panther.

My missus and I adopted her a few months back, but it feels like she’s been around forever. She a good kitty


Angel (pionus) takes a rare break back in his cage to nibble a few pellets. Meanwhile Stan and Ollie (budgies), they’re those two motion blurs chasing one another inexplicably along the window sill behind the Venetian blind.

We’ve booked a DEFRA-recommended courier to take all four birds to a new life at the National Parrot Sanctuary in Lincolnshire next Friday. It’s not unpleasant sharing ones home with a flock of birds, but it’s not the life we chose.


My daughter gave me a few videos she made of Neve on the beach and elsewhere in March 2019. Here’s one where she and another dog played chase.


When she takes off, it’s a blur :heart_eyes: