Super Simple Oscillator Build - Help with audio out, power and earthing


I am having a bit of trouble with the super simple oscillator build.
I can get 1 or more circuits breadboarded and have the LEDs flash at varying rates according to the position of the potentiometer. I am aware with the issue of some transistors, batch dependent, not producing a noise or even a light but I am sure that the issue does not lie with that at present since I have had mixed success getting transistors to even flash.

I am currently running the ‘audio out’ wire (pictured on the schematic) to a cut in half 6.3mm mono non balanced cable. There is one non exposed cable in there that I am connecting to the audio out wire from the circuit and the other sheild/ earth/ ground cable thats exposed, I am connecting to the - on the breadboard.

I get no sound.

Is that correct? or am I not understanding what ground is in terms of a DC circuit? is ground the same as the negative from the battery? or is there another ground? (for example attaching to the metal chassis I am building it in?

In a nutshell, according to the schematic provided by lmnc, where do i connect the audio out, the ground and, the positive and the negative in the circuit. I am new to this and struggling to understand these concepts.

I intend to connect this directly into my mixer so mono 6.3mm is what i want the output of the oscillator to connect to (and of course produce sound)

FYI - i have ordered some 6.3mm mono jack sockets if that helps?

Thanks for your time

Welcome to the forum

yes connect all the GND points to the - of the battery

if your panel is conductive, yes you need to Ground it too

the signal wire to the Tip of the jack and the jack Sleeve to GND.

There’s also a lot of thread about the SSO (you can search with the engine search of the forum)
This one maybe can interrest you