If you don’t know who he was, and what MFOS is… click the link at the bottom, by the end of the day… you will!! anyways… here’s the original facebook post… and once this stupid pandemic subsides, I’ll be hopefully getting to see this first hand 
This is Ray Wilson’s Music From Outer Space ‘Monster Synth’- it’s been in the safekeeping of Debra Wilson (the ‘Maiden of MFOS’) at the original MFOS HQ in Parker, CO – and we are happy to report that it’s made it’s way safely to our shop here in Bedford, MA .
Once COVID allows it, we will be re-opening the brick-and-mortar shop and will have the MFOS ‘Monster’ here for your viewing pleasure. We hope that you’ll come visit us when you can, and check out this amazing piece of synth history !!
Ray’s original website is still quite active— we maintain it since the content and the humor are priceless!
Enjoy: http://musicfromouterspace.com/
That is fantastic and wonderful and yes I am coming out to Bedford,MA asap soon . Ray was a great friend and we swapped ideas and collaborated on some of my designs, Ray did synth stuff all the way up til his death, basically
What a great way to honor his legacy, MFOS is such a pillar of synth DIY. You mentioned it will be on display at your store, can you post the name or address? I live in the area and would certainly make a visit once it’s open
weirdness, I thought I edited the post to include their info… i posted this in a few places, musta missed the edit on this one oops haha
The only reason I would ever go to SynthCubes store in person is to ask them why in the hell their shipping rates are so effing ridiculous to Denver and why if I buy the same exact thing from them on Reverb their shipping rates are then 1/3 the cost. I might also ask them why they never return ANY messages sent in any capacity (phone, email, contact form, FB page, etc…)
Great job on the guys conserving this
I built the wsg, wp20, echo rockit and most treasured soundlab mk2 . Often referred to rays schematics for stripboard modules too 
Hi @Oddball! Is the store open for in-person shopping? Definitely interested in paying a visit if so!
I don’t know… I’ve been doing a ton of work to my house the last month or so… diy synth stuff has been put on the back burner… I’m going to time going to when i need to order and pick up some things…
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This is my MFOS guitar synth plus extras
. Which I’ll plug into my LMNC synth or use in tandem.